Tuesday, 19 June 2007

Amazing Grace - the Movie

Just thought I'd make a referal. I went to see this fabulous movie on Sunday. Now before you think I have a tendency towards addiction, what with my Sudoku fettish and also a movie bent - these are really my only two vices - the rest of the time I am working (believe it or not).

Anyway - back to the movie, I think it is worth a see no matter what your religious orientation. I was inspired. The cast is phenomenal and Ioan Grufford is quickly becoming a hot favourite of mine.

The thing that you really stood out to me was the reality of what pioneering involves.William Wilberforce fought for over 15 years to see his one dream fulfilled. The rest of his life was spent on his second dream.

I have been running this business for just under two years and at times it has felt too long, to hard. The temptation to stop fighting is very real, and yet like "Wilber" - if I can be arrogant enough to refer to him and myself in the same sentence - I choose to push on - because the vision is strong and unrelenting.

There is a choice, but the choice is essentially no choice. The work must go on! (I hear an orchestral maneuver in the background).

Can you relate?

Let me know what you think once you've seen it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I met the producers when I was in America last year! Accidently on a plane - then they invited me to a kind of pre-screening! Was ver enjoyable!